Compare Age Advantage standards to other services:
Are the caregivers employees or independent contractors? Age Advantage takes care of background checks, workers compensation, liability, bonding, and employer taxes so you don't have to.
What happens if my caregiver should become sick? We supply a replacement caregiver usually within the hour.
Can you get a hold of someone after hours? You can contact us with an urgent question, care need, or just to chat 24/7.
Is the caregiver selected especially for you? At Age Advantage we have a 5 Star Compatibility Assessment which matches clients with qualified caregivers that fits your care needs.
Are caregivers supervised to make sure they are meeting expectations? We consistently supervise, offer-in home support for changing care needs, and regularly communicate with our clients, loved ones, and caregivers!
We feel so strongly about our quality services,
if your first day is a disappointment, it's free!
Enabling you to spend quality time with your loved ones!