Our caregivers are exceptional people who have a special desire to help Age Advantaged adults. They are selected for their character, commitment, and experience. Age Advantage caregivers are trained to focus in the areas of professionalism, service, and safety.
Minimum requirements include:
Multiple Interviews, Personal & Professional References, Comprehensive Orientation and Safety Training, Written Skills Test, Extensive Criminal Background Checks, DMV Printout (drivers only), Certifications, Required Health Testing, and Completion of our exclusive 5 Star Compatibility Assessment
Ongoing requirements include:
Keeping certifications up-to-date, completion of ongoing training courses, and personalizing their knowledge to meet the changing needs of our clients
Daily in-home requirements include: Check in and check out from the client's home phone Smiles, kindness, and a constant awareness of their client's needs Follow their client's plan of care Discretion and professionalism Assist with appointments and reminders Log daily activities
We support our caregivers with: Training they need to be the very best; On-call caregivers when "life happens" on occasion; Support 24/7.
All of our caregivers are employees covered by our liability, bonding, and,
undergo extensive criminal background screening.